鲍勃(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 饰)和华特(格雷戈·金尼尔 Greg Kinnear)这一对双胞胎兄弟从小就备受关注,因为打娘胎里出来的那一刻起,他们相互联结的手臂就注定了他们不平凡的人生。幸运的是,童年时代的两兄弟并没有因为身体上的异常而受到他人的歧视,恰恰相反,利用身体构造上的特点,两人在体育场上大放异彩。 随着毕业的临近,鲍勃和华特的学生时代即将抵达终点。在华特的极力劝说下,鲍勃终于答应同他一起前往好莱坞发展。在灯红酒绿的好莱坞,两人一炮而红,而正是随之而来的金钱和名誉成为了兄弟二人分家的导火索。华特恋上了名叫艾普丽(伊娃·门德斯 Eva Mendes 饰)的漂亮姑娘,这一事件让从小到大都未曾分开过的兄弟两人开始认真的考虑起了各自的未来。
The summer before college, bright-yet-irreverent Elliott comes face-to-face with her older self during a mushroom trip. The encounter spurs a funny and heartfelt journey of self-discovery and first love as Elliott prepares to leave her childhood home.
Writer-director Megan Park’s tender, surprising sophomore feature cleverly uses its high-concept premise of a visit from one’s future self to launch a refreshing, nuanced exploration of the uncertainties of young romance and coming of age. My Old Ass is a sweet teenage love story, a lively contemporary comedy, and a quirky riff on time-travel films all in one.
Maisy Stella and Aubrey Plaza have a terrific unlikely chemistry, as the sass and self-assuredness of the young Elliott, as played by Stella, blends and overlaps with Plaza’s sardonic humor as a more mature Elliott. The care and affection shown in the film’s depiction of Elliott’s rural hometown in her last days before taking off for adulthood visually highlights her emotional journey, evoking a nostalgia for days that haven’t even ended yet.—HZ